Steak and Rice

cut the steak into  bite-sized pieces

combine with  salt, pepper and  Cajun seasoning

deseed and peel  the butternut squash

dice the  butternut squash

mince the  garlic cloves

dice the onion

chop the parsley

heat oil and butter  over medium high,  place steak bites  in a single layer,  sear for 1 minute

stir for  1 minute more  until browned  on all sides

remove from skillet

add  butternut squash,  cook for 3 minutes

add onion and garlic,  cook for 2 minutes

stir in rice  and thyme

pour in beef broth,  bring to a boil,  simmer for  10 minutes

stir in parsley

stir in steak bites,  cook for 1 minute

finish off with  black pepper  and parsley