Sichuan Chicken Meatballs in Beer Sauce

to a bowl, add  ground chicken,  white pepper,  breadcrumbs,  garlic powder, soy  sauce and an egg

mix until just  combined

roll into meatballs

cut bell pepper into  bite-sized pieces

chop the scallions

grate the ginger  and garlic cloves

heat oil and butter  over medium,  add meatballs

brown all over,  about 5 minutes

remove from skillet

add bell pepper,  sauté for 3 minutes

add scallions  and Sichuan pepper,  cook for 1 minute

add garlic  and ginger,  stir for 30 seconds

pour in  brown beer,  bring to a bowl

add sugar,  chili flakes,  soy sauce and  hoisin sauce

add meatballs,  simmer over low  for 15 minutes

finish off  with cilantro